Some miscellaneous things, couldn't classified and partially only indirect have something  to do with Falco.

Critic about The final Curtain:

If a musician moves into the eternal grounds, one can set his  clock after that at least approximately 12 months later a Best-Of -album will appear.  Don't happen that, it was not about a real star in the sense from "Star", or the flow of best-of - Compilations was already unmanageable in lifetime, so that we certainly only miss the new release and had not recognized as such .   
Within this cycle, the line has now come to Falco, and the good piece is called then "The Final Curtain ". That in fact has fallen for Falco , however already years ago. This may sound bitter, but he even seemed to know that. No musician can produce hits indefinitely and so the present work  has historic value rather.   
One can confidently pass on the single "push push", hymn of the boxchampion Sven Ottke, if Falco would not have died Ottkes Manager  surely would have chosen another song.
Otherwise, as a matter of fact Falco was so eccentric,that he had flair!   

And we will love him for it!
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MP3: *The Message* by Grandmaster Flash translated by FALCO

Although Falco has always emphasized that he was only interested in rap because of the rhythmic component, he was more or less the personification of this phenomenon and the whole Hip-Hop-cultur in this land. So it came that he someday in the beginning of the 80s for the Ö3-musicbox (from which should become the freaky youth-radio FM4 more than 10 Year later) he has rapped a german translation of Grandmaster Flash's " The Message ".
Found by:Radio FM4

Falco-Fans also must got to school... ;-))
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Don Carlos


For extreme Fans..... *gggg*





Blasmusik Für Alt Und Jung

1. Einzug der Gladiatoren
2. Strauss-Gala
3. Trisch-Tratsch-Polka
4. An der schönen blauen Donau
5. Unter Donner und Blitz
6. Amperito Roca
7. Solo für Trompete

13. Classy Session f. Band
14. usw.usw.......

Auch solche *Coverversionen* gibt es ;-)
Found by: (there you can hear extracts from the songs- funny - Falco + 'uftata')


The evidence: he still is flying in 21. century ....;)



Advertisement from an austrian producer of car-hifi


[click for huge version ]


This bike is owned by Scott, a fan from New York


From the book: Ich sags euch jetzt zum letzten Mal from Hacke, Axel, Verlag Antje Kunstmann Gmbh, München 2000 

"...Ihm ist es am liebsten, man setzt ihn in den Kindersitz des Autos, schiebt die CD mit dem Falco-Lied 'Der Kommissar' ein und fährt, bis er schläft. "Drah di net um!", singt Falco. "Der Kommissar geht um!" (...) Ich setze mich also mit ihm ins Auto und fahre los. Luis sagt: "Ich will den 'Kommissar' hören!" Ich sage:" Luis, können wir nicht mal was anderes hören?" Früher habe ich Falco geliebt, den 'Kommissar' vor allem, ein toller Song. Ich habe ihn nun tausendmal gehört. Er kotzt mich an. "Nein den Kommissar", sagt Luis. (...) "Bitte", sage ich: "wenigstens Amadeus oder Jeanny oder sonstwas von Falco." "Eeeönggg" macht Luis. Sein Quengelgeräusch. (...) Also hören wir den Kommissar. (...) Es ist mir peinlich, alle Kinder schlafen im Bett ein...(...). Dieses nicht. Hoffentlich sehen mich die wenigstens die Nachbarn nicht. Drah die net um! Der Hacke, der fährt rum! "Tscha!", schreit Falco. "Tscha! Tscha!" Luis hat..."
I'm working on a translation :)
