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Die Fans
letztes Interview" aus der "Bunten" 27/98
Es gibt 3 Versionen:
Der mit
dem Leben tanzte
- wer war das eigentlich? Wir kannten das Produkt, aber nicht
den Menschen Hansi Hölzel, der gegen seine Alkoholsucht kämpfte
und am 6. Februar 98 in den Trümmern seines Autos starb. BUNTE druckte
das letzte Interview.
Fast 20 Jahre begleiteten die Wiener
Video-Produzenten Rudi Dolezal und Hannes Rossacher (DoRo) die Karriere
ihres Freundes "Falco" Hansi Hölzel. In der Küche seiner Wiener
Wohnung erfanden sie 1985 mit ihm zusammen seinen Nummer-1-Hit "Rock Me
Amadeus" (ach ja?). Sie waren seine Weggefährten bis an die Weltspitze,
blieben seine Freunde, als er ganz unten war. Drei Monate vor seinem Tod
redeten die beiden mit ihm in Wien über sein Leben - ein Interview,
das ein Dokument für sein Comeback mit "Out of the Dark" werden sollte
und zu einer Art Vermächtnis wurde. In BUNTE redet Falco ein letztes
Falco über Alkohol:
Jeder hat ein Gift, auf das er austickt.
Bei mir war es der Alkohol. Mit Alkohol war ich wie Dr Jekyll und Mr Hyde.
Dabei bin ich allergisch auf Alkohol und deshalb wohl schizophren. Wenn
du mit einer Sektflöte, in der Mineralwasser ist, anstößt,
weiß jeder, du hast ein massives Alkoholproblem. Ich meide es nicht,
überhaupt ein Glas zu trinken, nur weiß ich, was passiert, wenn
ich noch drei reinschütte: Ich wechsle die Identität. Dies und
das geht mir dann am Arsch. Der Typ, der da drüben sitzt. Der Typ,
der neben mir sitzt aufm Barhocker, dreht mir den Rücken zu. Das soll
er aber nicht, weil er mit mir reden soll. Erfahrung hilft mir nicht. Es
wäre vermessen zu sagen: Einmal naß gewesen, ab sofort trocken.
Es kann noch viel passieren. Ich bin ja bestenfalls in der Halbzeit. Aber
Alkohol ist heute nicht mehr notwendig. Die Erkenntnis ist im Hirn passiert,
nicht nur beim Psychiater. Jetzt werde ich darauf schauen, daß die
Gesundheit mitspielt, und ich hoffe, daß ich nicht allzuviele Gehirnzellen
vernichtet habe. Krankheit in der Seele, im Hirn, im Körper ist das
Schlimmste, was mir passieren kann.
Falco über Selbstmord:
Ich war nie suizid(gefährdet). Ich
war nie einer, der gesagt hat: Noch eine Flasche, und irgendwann haut’s
dich eben um. Zwischen 40 und 30 ist ein Unterschied. Deswegen glaub’ ich
ja, daß ich mir das jetzt nicht mehr leisten kann. Mit 40 mußt
du in den Spiegel schauen, und es soll dir gefallen, was du erreicht hast.
Nicht im Sinne von Geld auf dem Konto in der Schweiz, sondern wie du dich
selbst verstehst.
Falco über die Frauen:
Nach drei Wochen fühle ich mich ohne
Frau unwohl und nach vier Wochen mit. Das war schon immer so. Frauen sind
für mich ein Fragezeichen. Ich kenne mich nicht aus bei ihnen. Ich
weiß nur, daß ich sie brauche und liebe. Ich suche nur noch
die Idealfrau, die ihr Leben hat. Das andere hamma schon gehabt.
Falco über Familie:
Ich habe keine Familie, mir meinem Vater
verstehe ich mich nicht besonders gut. Meine einzige Familie ist meine
Mutter Maria, und die ist jetzt 70 Jahre alt. Katharina war immerhin acht
Jahre im Herzen meine Tochter. Wenn die Kleine einmal sagt: Da gibt’s den
Hölzel in der Dominikanischen Republik, und wenn ma schon fahr’n in
die Karibik, könnt’ ma eigentlich den Ex-Vater besuchen. Auf diesen
Tag möchte ich gern vorbereitet sein, dann will ich nicht besoffen
unter der Kokospalme liegen. Ich will nicht, daß sie sagt: Er ist
genau das, was meine Mutter immer gesagt hat.
Falco über seinen Anfang:
Mein Start war 1981. Da bin ich angetreten
mit einem Schmäh, der sehr erfolgreich war. Ich hab’mir die Haare
naß gemacht und den gestreiften Anzug von der Company angezogen.
Die erste Platte war wie jede erste Platte das Resultat aus 25 Jahren zuvor.
Die ist irrsinnig aus dem Bauch gekommen und genial geglückt, wobei
Genialität auch Zufall ist
Falco über Kommerz und Image:
Was man nicht verstanden hat, woraus aber
mein arrogantes, präpotentes Image resultiert, ist, daß die
Figur Falco eine Gegenmaßnahme gegen das Establishment war: um Gottes
Willen kein Kommerz! Ja net anbiedern! Ich war der erste Anarchist im deutschsprachigen
Raum. Ich bin mit 25 angetreten mit der Attitüde, mit der Frechheit,
der Kaltschnäuzigkeit eines 40jährigen. Ich habe immer nur so
getan, als wüßte ich, wie’s geht. Das gehört ja zum Bild
Falco, ein Schlitzohr zu sein, kaltschnäuzig, sich auszukennen überall.
Falco über sein schwerstes
1988 war das absolute Tiefpunktjahr -
mit abgesagter Tour, kaputter Familie. Das erste war einmal, vier Monate
wegzufahren und zurückzukommen wie ein Marathonläufer, asketisch
bis zum Exzeß, und mich gleich scheiden zu lassen. Seit 1989 geht’s
mir jedes Jahr besser, was sicher auch zu tun hat mit dem Wegzug aus Wien.
Falco über "Rock Me Amadeus":
Mit "Rock Me Amadeus" hatte ich einen
Welthit und war vertragsfrei. Das passiert dir ja normal nie. Als mir dann
eine deutsche Plattenfirma einen Fünf-Millionen-Mark-Vertrag anbot,
habe ich unterschrieben. Fünf Millionen nimmt man halt, wenn man sie
kriegt. Dabei hat es mir eigentlich mehr geschadet. Denn bei "Amadeus"
war ich schon nicht mehr heiß, da gab’s schon Alkohol-exzesse. Mit
"Amadeus" begann für mich das Ende.
Falco über eine Karriere
in Amerika:
Nach Amerika zu gehen mit diesem Nummer-1-Hit
wäre möglich gewesen, aber da wäre ich durch die Betten
von Beverly Hills geschlafen worden und heute tot, von Kokain und Heroin
und Kodein und Nikotin. Ich glaube nicht, dass daß ich eine Schwarzenegger-Karriere
gemacht hätte, weil ich nicht mit so einer unglaublichen physischen
Präsenz angetreten wäre. Ich glaube, daß ich voll abgestürzt
wäre. Deshalb habe ich meine PR-Tour dort als touristischen Ausflug
gesehen. Zurück aus Amerika, hab’ ich 87 Kilo gewogen, eine Flasche
Whiskey am Tag gesoffen und war jenseits von Gut und Böse. Das kleine
Kind ist in der Wohnung herumgerannt, wo ich gar net gewußt habe,
was denn das für ein Marsmensch ist, was dieses Kind da in meinem
Leben macht.
Falco über Geld:
Von dem, was ich 1982 mit dem "Kommissar"
verdient habe, ist nix übriggeblieben, das habe ich alles durchgebracht.
Ich habe mit dem "Kommissar" sechs, sieben Millionen Schilling verdient.
Sieben Millionen Schilling sind in Österreich 3,5 Millionen. Man kauft
eine Wohnung, eine Einrichtung, ein Auto, was zum Anziehen, eine 150-Quadratmeter-Altbauwohnung,
einen Mercedes, eine Uhr - das braucht man alles, das hat man gesehen in
irgendeinen Film. Und dann hab’ ich in einem schlechten Film gesehen, daß
man mit 30 vernünftig wird. Und mir entkam der Satz: Ich habe Lust
auf Bürgerlichkeit. Na, mehr hab’ I net braucht. Am nächsten
Tag haben 450.000 Fans ihre Platten zurückgebracht - so auf die Art:
Wir wollen kein Geld dafür, aber wir wollen auch nix mehr hören
von ihm, jetzt ist er wirklich deppert worden.
Falco über Investitionen:
Investment - das hat bei mir so ausgeschaut,
daß ich fast bankrott gegangen bin. Ich habe investiert in Sachen,
die absoluter Humbug waren, in ein Penthouse um 20 Millionen Schilling.
Ein Irrsinn. Meine Form des Steuersparens war: Investieren in Dinge, die
man nie mehr los wird. Hirnverbrannt.
Falco über sein Leben als
Jeder Künstler, Falco, Fendrich,
Jagger, hat eine Sehnsucht zur Unmündigkeit. Jetzt hab’ ich ein Lied
geschrieben, das ist der Wahnsinn. Ich habe alles gegeben, was ich habe.
Um den Rest soll sich wer anderes kümmern. Seit ich Künstler
bin, habe ich Angst. Was mich so fertigmacht seit zwanzig Jahren, ist,
daß unser Geschäft Schall und Rauch ist. Ich beneide die Bildhauer,
Maler, Schriftsteller, deren Werke man anschauen, in der Hand halten kann.
Wenn bei einem Konzert der letzte Ton verklungen ist, gehen die Leute nach
Hause und das war’s dann.
Falco über seine Kollegen:
Ich liebe Menschen wie Udo Jürgens,
Peter Alexander, die immer großherzuig waren, die ich immer angefahren
bin als Schlaferfuzzis, Großmutterlieblinge, denen ich peinlichst
trivial drübergefahren bin und die mit der Erfahrung von Männern,
die wissen, um was es geht, gesagt haben: Ist shon gut, tu nur, mach nur.
Und: das hat er net so gemeint. Er kann ja wirklich was, nur weiß
er’s selbst nicht.
Falco über sein letztes Album:
"Out of the Dark" ist autobiographisch
- und auch wieder nicht. Es geht um Rauschgift, im Klartext: um Kokain.
Ich schrieb den Text aus der Sicht eines Verzweifelten, von dem die Droge
Besitz ergreift, ohne daß ich selbst süchtig bin.
© Bunte ‘98
with life
- who actually was that man? We knew the product, but not the
man Hansi Hölzel, who struggled against his alcohol addiction and
died on February 6th 98 in the wreck of his car. "Bunte" prints the
last interview.
For almost 20 years, the Viennese video
producers Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher (DoRo) accompanied the career
of their friend "Falco" Hans Hölzel. In 1985, together with him they
invented his Number 1 hit " Rock Me Amadeus " in the kitchen
of his Viennese flat (oh?). They accompanied him to the top of the world
and remained his friends when he was at his lowest. In Vienna, three months
before his death, they talked to him about his life - an interview that
should have become a document for his comeback with " Out of the Dark "
and that became some kind of legacy. In "Bunte", Falco speaks one last
Falco on alcohol:
Everyone has a poison that has a special
kind of effect on him (I really don’t know how to translate this, but
this is the general meaning). For me it was alcohol. With alcohol I
was like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I am allergic to alcohol and therefore
probably schizophrenic (?). If you drink to sth with a champagne
glass with mineral water in it, everyone knows that you have a huge alcohol
problem. I do not totally avoid a glass of alcohol from time to time,
but I know what happens if I add another three: I change my identity. Lots
of stuff then pisses me off. The guy sitting over there. The guy who sits
beside me at the bar turns his back on me. He’s not supposed to though,
‘cause he should be talking to me. Experience hasn't helped. It would be
presumptuous to say: I’ve done that, now I’ll stop (this is about as
close as I can get to the text. It's sth about "being wet and dry" and
I'm not sure if you can use those expressions in English. I’m not a very
good translator). A lot of things can still happen. I’m only half way
through, at most. But nowadays I don't need alcohol any longer. The realisation
occurred in the brain, not only with the psychiatrist. I will now take
care of my health and I hope I didn’t destroy too many brain cells. Illness
in the soul, in the brain, in the body is the worst thing that can happen
to me.
Falco on suicide:
I’ve never considered suicide. I’ve never
been one of those who said: Let’s have another bottle, and one day it’ll
knock me out. There’s a difference between the age of 40 and 30. That’s
why I believe I can't afford those kinds of things any longer. At
40 you have to look into the mirror, and you must like what you achieved.
Not in the sense of cash on the Swiss account, but in the way you understand
Falco on women:
After three weeks I feel bad without a
woman and after four weeks with a woman. It’s always been like that.
For me, women are a question mark (you cannot really say that in English,
can you? I like the expression anyway). I don’t know anything about
them. I only know that I need them and love them. I’m still looking for
the ideal woman, one who has a life of her own. I’ve already had the other
kind (?).
Falco on family:
I don't have a family, I don’t get
on with my father very well. My only family is my mother Maria, and she
is now 70 years old. After all, Katharina has been my daughter in my heart
for eight years. If she said one day: There’s this Hölzel in the Dominican
Republic, and if I’m going to the Caribbean anyway, I might as well visit
my ex-father. I would like to be prepared for that day, I wouldn't like
to be lying underneath a palm-tree, completely pissed. I don't want her
to say: He’s exactly like mum’s always described him.
Falco on the early days:
My start was in 1981. I started with a
Schmäh (sorry, untranslatable. Arno (who's Austrian) says it's
sth like a philosophy of life, approaching people without shyness, being
funny and courteous. Okay?) that was very successful. I’d wet my hair
and wear the striped suit from the (Hallucination) Company. Like each first album, Einzelhaft
was the result of 25 years' experience. It came very much from the guts
and succeeded ingeniously, where this genius is also chance.
Falco on commerce and image:
What people did not understand, but what
inspired my arrogant, präpotent (??? prepotent?) image, is
that the figure Falco was a reaction against the establishment. Anything
but commerce! Ja net anbiedern (??? sorry. Say: I wouldn't adapt at
any cost)! I was the first Anarchist in the German-speaking countries.
At 25, I started with the attitude, with the insolence, the coolness of
a 40-year old. I always pretended to know how things worked. It’s part
of the Falco image to be a Schlitzohr (hm - sth like "cunning and clever",
whatever), cool, to know everything.
Falco on his toughest year:
1988 was the absolutely lowest point
- with a cancelled tour, a shattered family. The first thing to do was
to leave for four months and return like a marathon runner (?), ascetic
to the max, and to get divorced right away. Since 1989 I’ve been feeling
better each year, which probably has something to do with moving away from
Falco on " Rock Me Amadeus ":
With "Rock Me Amadeus" I had a huge hit
and was without a contract. That doesn’t usually happen. When a German
record company offered me a five-million-Mark contract, I signed. You take
five millions if they’re offered to you. In the end it actually harmed
me more. Cause with "Amadeus" I wasn’t "hot" anymore, there had already
been alcohol excesses. "Amadeus" was the beginning of the end for me.
Falco on a career in America:
It would’ve been possible to go to America
with this Number 1, but I would only have slept with everyone in Beverly
Hills and would be dead by now, through cocaine and heroin and codeine
and nicotine. I don’t believe I could have made a career like Schwarzenegger,
because I didn’t have that unbelievable physical presence. I think I would’ve
completely fallen down (?). That's why I kinda saw my PR tour as
a tourist trip. Back from America, I weighed 87 Kilos, drank a
bottle of whiskey a day and was beyond good and bad. This toddler was running
around in the flat, and I didn’t know who that martian was, what this child
was doing in my life.
Falco on money:
There’s nothing left of the money I earned
with "Der Kommissar", I’ve blown all of that. I earned 6 or 7 million Schilling
with "Der Kommissar". Seven million Schilling are in fact 3.5 million in
Austria. You buy a house, some furniture, a car, some clothing, a
150-sqm flat, a Mercedes, a watch - you need all of that, cause you’ve
seen it in some kind of film. I'd also seen in a bad film that youi become
reasonable at 30. And then I said: I feel like settling (literally:
becoming bourgeois, middle-class). Well, that was all I needed. The
next day, 450,000 fans returned their records - it was a bit like: We don’t
want any money for it, but we don’t wanna hear anything else from him either.
He’s really gone mental now.
Falco on investments:
Investment - well, with me it was this
way: I almost went bankrupt. I invested in absolute crap, in a Penthouse
that cost 20 million Schilling. An insanity. My way of saving taxes was
to invest into stuff I couldn’t get rid of anymore. Idiotic.
Falco on his life as an artist:
Each artist, Falco, Fendrich, Jagger,
wants to behave immaturely (more or less). ‘Now I’ve written
a song, that’s totally crazy. I've given everything I had. Now would someone
else please take care of the rest.‘ Ever since I’ve been an artist, I’ve
been scared. What got me most over those past 20 years is that our business
is all "sound and smoke" (can’t really translate this, it's a fixed
expression in German. I’m sure you understand what he meant though).
I envy the sculptors, painters, writers, whose work you can look at or
hold in your hand. At a concert, as soon as the last note has ended, the
audience goes home and that's it.
Falco on his colleagues:
I love people like Udo Jürgens, Peter
Alexander, who’ve always been good-hearted, whom I used to call Schlagerfuzzis
(woah, don’t ask me to translate this. Schlager is that terrible German
music and fuzzis are… geeks or nerds, sth like that *lol*), grannie’s
idols (hehe...), whom I regularly insulted and who, with the experience
of men who know what it’s all about, just said: ‘That’s okay, go on if
you must.’ And: ‘he didn’t mean it that way. He really is talented, but
he doesn’t even know.’ (I know that was a very long sentence J)
Falco on his last album:
"Out of the Dark" is autobiographic -
and again it’s not. It’s about drugs, or more precisely cocaine. I wrote
the text from the point of view of a desperate man who's possessed by the
drug, without being addicted myself.
© Bunte ‘98
the life danced
- who was that actually? We knew the product, but not humans
Hansi Hoelzel, which fought against its alcohol craze and died on 6 February
98 in the rubble of its auto. MULTICOLORED ONE printed the last interview.
Almost 20 years accompanied the Viennese
video producer Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher (DoRo) the career of its
friend " Falco " Hansi Hoelzel. In the kitchen of its Viennese dwelling
they invented 1985 with it together its Nummer-1-Hit " skirt ME Amadeus
" (oh?). They were its way companions to to the world point, remained its
friends, when it quite down was. Three months before its death talked the
two with it in Vienna about its life - an interview, which should become
a document for its comeback with " Out OF the Dark " and a type legacy
became. Into MULTICOLORED ONES Falco a last mark talks.
Falco over alcohol:
Everyone has a poison, on which it out-ticks.
With me it was the alcohol. With alcohol was I like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
I am allergisch on alcohol and therefore probably schizophren. If you with
a sparkling wine flute, in which mineral water is, knocks against, white
everyone, you have massif an alcohol problem. I do not avoid it, at all
a glass to drink, only I know, what occurs, if I clean-pour still three:
I change the identity. This and goes to me then at the ass. The type, which
sits over there there. The type, that beside me sits oversize bar stool,
closes for me the back. That is not it however, because it is to talk with
me. Experience does not help me. It would be to be said presumptuously:
Once wet been, immediately drying. It can occur still much. I am at best
in the half time. But alcohol is today no longer necessary. The realization
occurred in the brain, not only with the psychiatrist. Now I will look
on the fact that ther health it along-plays and I hope that I did not destroy
many brain cells. Illness in the soul, in the brain, in the body is the
worst, which can occur to me.
Falco over suicide:
I never was suizid(gefaehrdet). I was
never one, which said: Still another bottle, and sometime haut's you evenly
over. Between 40 and 30 is a difference. Therefore believe ' I that I cannot
afford that now any longer. With 40 you must look into the mirror, and
it is to please you, what you achieved. Not in the sense of cash on the
account in Switzerland, but like you you verse elevator control.
Falco over the women:
After three weeks I feel without Mrs.
unwohl and after four weeks also. That was always like that. Women are
for me a question mark. I do not know myself out with them. I know only
that I need and love her. I look only the ideal woman up, who has its life.
The other one hamma already had.
Falco over family:
I do not have a family, me my father understand
myself I not particularly well. My only family is my nut/mother Maria,
and those is now 70 years old. Katharina was nevertheless eight years in
the heart my daughter. If the small one once says: There gibt's the Hoelzel
in the Dominican republic, and if ma already fahr'n into the Karibik, can
actually visit ' ma the ex father. On this day I would like to be gladly
prepared, then I want do not besoffen under the kokospalme to be. I do
not want that she says: It is exactly what always said my nut/mother.
Falco over its start:
My start was 1981. There I am begun with
one defame, which was very successful. I hab'mir the hair wet made and
the striped suit by the company attraction. The first disk was like each
first disk the result from 25 years before. Those came lunatically from
the antinode bulge and ingeniously successfully, whereby Genialitaet is
also coincidence.
Falco over commerce and image:
Which one did not understand, from which
however my arrogant, praepotentes image results, is that the figure Falco
was a counter measure against the establishment: around God will no commerce!
Net anbiedern! I was the first Anarchist in the German-speaking countries.
I am begun with 25 with the Attituede, with the insolence, the Kaltschnaeuzigkeit
of a 40jaehrigen. I did only in such a way, as if I would know, wie's go.
Falco belongs to be a slot ear kaltschnaeuzig, to be been versed everywhere
to the picture.
Falco over its hardest year:
1988 were the absolute yearyear year -
with called off route, broken family. First was once to go away and return
four months like a marathoner, asketisch up to the excess to let separate
and me equal. Since 1989 geht's me each year better, which has to do probably
also with the way course from Vienna.
Falco over " skirt ME Amadeus ":
With " skirt ME Amadeus " I had a world
hit and was contract-free. Normally never occurs to you. When then a German
disk company offered a five-million-Mark contract to me, I had signed.
One takes stop to five million, if one kriegt her. It harmed me actually
more. Because with " Amadeus " I was hot, there gab's already already no
longer alcohol excesses. With " Amadeus " the end began for me.
Falco over a career in America:
To America to go with this Nummer-1-Hit
would have been possible, but I would have been slept there by the beds
of Beverly Hills and today dead, by cocaine and heroin and kodein and nicotine.
I do not believe that that I would have made a Schwarzenegger career, because
I would not have begun with so an unbelievable physical operational readiness
level. I believe that I would be fully abgestuerzt. Therefore has I mean
PR route seen there as routistic trip. Back from America, ' I 87 Kilos
weighed, a bottle Whiskey on the day drunk and was beyond of property and
bad. The small child coagulated in the dwelling, where I knew net, what
for a Martian is, which makes this child there in my life.
Falco over cash:
Of what I earned 1982 with the " commissioner
", nix, that remained I everything through-brought. I have six with the
" commissioner ", sieve millions Schilling earned. Filters millions Schilling
are in Austria 3.5 million. One buys a dwelling, a mechanism, an auto,
which for tightening, a 150-Quadratmeter-Altbauwohnung, a Mercedes, a clock
- one needs everything, that has one seen into any film. And then ' I in
a bad film saw that one becomes reasonable with 30. And the record escaped
from me: I have desire on civilness. Well, more have ' I net needs. On
the next day 450,000 fans returned their disks - so in the type: We do
not want cash for it, but we want also nix more (sorry, there's a bit
missing here. Dunno where it's gone)
Falco over investments:
Investment - that out-looked in such a
way with me that I went almost to bankruptcy. I have invested in things,
which were absolute Humbug, in a Penthouse by 20 million Schilling. An
insanity. My form of the control saving was: Invest into things, which
become never more loose one. Brain-burned.
Falco over its life as artists:
Each artist, Falco, Fendrich, Jagger,
has a longing to the minority. Now ' I a song wrote, that is the insanity.
I gave everything, what I have. About the remainder is who other one to
worry. Since I am an artist, I have fear. Which finishes in such a way
me for twenty years, is that our business is sound and smoke. I envy the
sculptors, painter, writer, whose factories one look at, in the hand to
hold can. If with a concert the last tone verklungen is, the people go
home and war's then.
Falco over its colleagues:
I love humans such as Udo Juergens, Peter
Alexander, who was always grossherzuig, whom I always started as Schlagerfuzzis,
grandmother favourites, who I meticulously trivially druebergefahren am
and who with the experience from men, who know, which it concerns, to have
said: Is good already, do only, Mach only. And: he meant that net in such
a way. It can do really which, only white er's even not.
Falco over its last album:
"Out Of the Dark " is auto+biographic
- and also again not. It goes around drug, in the plain text: around cocaine.
I wrote the text from the view of a desperate one, from which the drug
seizes possession, without I am addicted.
Kinda funny innit? I should
do this more often :-)